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Distribution and prevalence of coral diseases in the Veracruz Reef System, Southern Gulf of Mexico
Juan P. Carricart Ganivet
Aurora Urania Beltrán Torres
Guillermo Javier Horta Puga
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Corales;Enfermedades de corales;Colpophyllia;Diploria;Montastraea;Porites;Stephanocoenia;Siderastrea
Corals;Coral disease;Colpophyllia;Diploria;Montastraea;Porites;Stephanocoenia;Siderastrea
Resumen en inglés: "Ten reefs of the Veracruz Reef System (VRS) were surveyed to evaluate the distribution and prevalence of diseases that affect stony corals. Total disease prevalence on corals in the VRS was 4.8%. Seven diseases affecting 6 coral genera (4 of which are the most abundant) were observed in 85.2% of the evaluated sites. As observed in other reefs of the Caribbean, dark spots disease had the highest prevalence (2.9%) and widest distribution. The incidence of disease showed a patchy distribution, with prevalence being significantly higher on the reef flats than on the windward and leeward sides. "
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. Vol. 95, no. 3 (Jul 2011), p. p181-187. ISSN: 0177-5103
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